I think that all art is artificial no matter how authentic we try to make it. I make art to tell stories because stories are fun and important. To that end, this artwork is a story about consumerism, artificialness, and how we view the world around us. The story around this piece's creation was definitely unique, for example, I had to shoot at night since I had no background.
My inspiration came from a couple of places, but the most notable was the use of bright colours in Artichoke with Shrimp by Theo Terry that made me want to use similar loud colours. My work explores the artificiality of still life, and how different perspectives of objects can tell different stories.
All art may be artificial, but this does not make art any less meaningful and only serves as another layer to the work. There are stories in every work of art and indeed all around us in everything, each tree and rock and piece of trash.