Colours, saira, 2020
As someone passionate about photography, this assignment allowed me to explore techniques in photography, my interest in painting and sketching, as well as important topics such as racism. I was inspired by the BLM protests and Capitol riot. I pondered racism and how races were treated differently in each scenario. Our complexion isn't what defines us in this world, yet those who have darker skin tones are often viewed poorly. My work is an examination of skin colour, conveying it through the different skin colours of apples. Society has created this toxic mindset where individuals believe their colour defines them. Yes, there may be one inferior red apple or rotten green apple, yet this doesn't define every apple. Likewise, with humans, one bad individual from a race doesn't define them all. How one appears on the outside doesn't define them on the inside. Many believe altering their skin tone is the solution to being targeted for their complexion. The solution isn't to alter one's complexion, solely to alter one perspective to be more acceptable and tolerant.