I like doing creative work such as drawing and painting because I love expressing my feelings and letting my creativity go off. I believe everyone is creative in their own way and able to express their thoughts on paper or canvas. The use of mixing, blending and using colours, objects and pictures excite me.
Through observation, I have found that certain people treat things that are different in a harsh manner.
My photograph explores the idea of racism and prejudice against people of colour as well as abuse of power. I don’t like when people are treated unjustly because they look different. My inspiration comes from Jean Michel Basquiat and the injustices I see from the news of black people being killed or stopped for their colour of skin.
The photograph is named ‘the Subconscious of Iniquity’ because people are not fully aware that what they are doing is immoral because they are judging someone for their skin and are not seeing beyond that.