If footprints could be permanently ingrained in pavement, you would see millions of my steps stomped throughout the city.
Nevertheless, I was still victim to a twisted form of hibutation of the urban world. The city I thought I knew was only a hazy mosaic. Post-lockdown, I’ve gained a fresh pair of eyes: a greater appreciation for the ordinary, and perhaps for the forgettable.
In this image titled ‘Concrete Whispers’ I have superimposed and contrasted two seemingly very different images. The background is a gritty, dark and an ominous depiction of the city. In the upper right, is a bursting, vibrant and lush representation of spring. The former is ‘ugly’. The latter is ‘beautiful’. Yet, their juxtaposition reveals a riveting story. Although the grey image is in the background, it still stands in the foreground. It’s their contrast, from colour to mood, that makes one's eyes bounce back and forth. This design isn’t meant to overwhelm you, but reinforce it’s message. The ordinary demands to be admired, even if it requires a small push.