Recently I have been interested in balance and contrast in all aspects of life.
They bring forth, cancel, and disappear within each other.
Ice and salt are not immediate opposites. They also do not balance each other. Yet, when salt, ice, water, and body heat are combined a chemical reaction occurs, lowering the temperature of ice. This can cause painful second or third degree burns in a matter of minutes.
Something that I’ve struggled with is how I’ve tried to balance my emotions and understand how they can still be harmonious while also being such opposites. Through these concepts I’ve explored my feelings of anger, anxiety, and guilt and how they combine into and result in a constant feeling of numbness.
I see my anger as heat and the numbness as ice. These burns have fascinated me as neither salt nor ice are fiery things. This photo captures the cold and icy feeling of numbness and the heat of anger. This piece shows how we as people hang in a state of balance.