A Dull World Made Vibrant, Ethan Thibodeau, 2020
I’m Ethan Thibodeau and I enjoy making art as a way to tell the stories I want to tell. This piece titled “A Dull World Made Vibrant” is no different than my others in that it also tells a story. I often incorporate the experiences I have in life into my work, this time it's my experience with working as a foster parent for rescue cats. It's an experience that has stuck with me for years and helped make me who I am today. So many animals sit idle in shelters waiting for a home but often don’t get adopted because of their flaws. They may be skittish or disabled because of previous abuse or a mixed-breed animal that is often rejected for not being 'pure-bred’. I’d like to communicate this with a single quote to get the message across, the primary goal of my work is to make its viewer think about the ways that animals are often mistreated or misunderstood in our society, or even challenge their own views on the treatment of animals.